Meadow Creek II

Date of Birth:
Aged gentle cow weighing 1010lbs on 11/22/2024. She has had 12 calves, 6 bulls and 6 heifers. 5 heifers are still in the herd and producing some of the highest ranking calves on the place. All calves weaned put on an average daily gain of 1.77 lbs. Bred to Gettin The Point for a May/June 2025 calf. Call Larry Mayer at 605-786-5808 for more information.
Owner Name:
Larry or Mitzi Mayer
Larry or Mitzi Mayer
PH #:
Reg #1:
ITLA #260904
For Sale:
Sales Price:
Sales Comments:
Aged gentle cow weighing 1010lbs on 11/22/2024. She has had 12 calves, 6 bulls and 6 heifers. 5 heifers are still in the herd and producing some of the highest ranking calves on the place. All calves weaned put on an average daily gain of 1.77 lbs. Bred to Gettin The Point for a May/June 2025 calf. Call Larry Mayer at 605-786-5808 for more information.
Meadow Creek II